Thursday, 17 August 2023

What is wedding..?

Hello readers! I hope you are all doing well. Yesterday, a friend of mine and I had a very interesting discussion about weddings and their meanings in different religions. So, I thought, why can't I share it with you?

If we talk about the Vedic age, there were different types of weddings called Brahmana, Daiva, Arsha, Prajapatya, Gandharva, Rakshasa, Asura, and Pisacha.

Among these, Brahmana, Gandharva, Prajapatya, and Rakshasa were commonly practiced. Now, the question is, what do these weddings mean?

  • Brahmana – In simple terms, it was today's arranged marriage.
  • Gandharva – Love marriage (In the Vedic age, girls had the right to choose their life partner).
  • Prajapatya – It is similar to Brahmana, but in this case, the bride's father searched for the groom, and the practice of Kanyadana was not performed.
  • Rakshasa – In this type, the bride was abducted (kidnapped) from her home, or sometimes the groom would fight with the bride's family and forcefully take her as his bride.

As time has progressed, the concept of religion has come into our society, and with this, the types and meanings of marriage have changed.

In HINDUISM, marriage means a sacred bond between a boy and a girl. It is believed that a marriage is made in heaven, and once married, the couple's bond is meant to last for seven lifetimes. It is considered a union of two souls, and from here they enter into the second important phase or ashram of their life – the 'Grihasthashram'.

In ISLAM, a wedding is a contract between the bride and groom that is accepted by both in front of the Holy Quran by saying Qubul Hai. In Islam, marriages among Muslims have the nature of a civil contract. Marriage is necessary for the legitimization of a child.

In CHRISTIANITY, Christians view marriage as a divinely blessed, lifelong, monogamous union between a man and a woman. Christian teaching has never held that marriage is necessary for everyone. Christians believe that marriage is considered ideal according to the purpose of God. At the heart of God's design for marriage is companionship and intimacy.

In SIKHISM, the wedding ceremony is known as "Anand Karaj," which means 'Blissful Union". The Sikh marriage is a very colorful and unique ceremony in which two individuals are joined in a partnership of equals.

Apart from this, according to me, a wedding means a way of sharing love, care, and showing affection to each other. As humans are social beings and can't live alone in our lives, we want someone to hear our thoughts, share our feelings and emotions, and to maintain continuity in our society. Therefore, a wedding is one of the essential needs of human beings.

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Freedom comes with Responsibility


 It has been long time that I didn’t write any blog. Actually, I have some personal work to be focus but finally I get time to write.  

15th August is very special and important date for India and I personally love this day because on this day you can feel some different energy, happiness and vibes around you  and in the entire country. It has been 76 years a long time that we got freedom. And still we have many more to achieve. 

‘Freedom’ What this means? Everyone may have different perspectives, different opinions and meanings for this word.  

Everyone want freedom to live their life happily; which is obviously right. That’s why it is a fundamental right of every citizen of India. But, as title indicates Freedom comes with responsibility; so as a citizen of this country we have some basic responsibilities.

Now you may have question that what kind of responsibilities?

So let me explain you; when our family give us freedom to choose our goals of life, to choose our friends and to live a life on our own terms then it is our responsibility that we must not hurt their feelings, we must take care of about their opinion while taking any decision. Because somebody gives you freedom it means they have faith on you and now it is your responsibility that you should not break that faith.  

Similarly, our constitution gives us freedom because it has believed on its citizen that they have responsibility towards nation.

There are some problems in our country which may get solve by becoming responsible citizen.  Corruption, tax evasion, avoid political debates and discussion, uncleanliness etc. are some of them. You may have observed that countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark always in the top 5 of any international progressive index. Why this is so...? Prime reason behind this is people of these countries are responsible towards their rights and nation. They are aware about their duties towards their nation and these things help them to grow not only on international level but also on their personal level. We should adopt these qualities from them because sometimes some basic values like responsibility may give us huge positive outcome.

Monday, 19 June 2023

History of Yoga.

What is yoga?
            Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and scince of healthy living. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. As per Yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature.

In the yogic lore, Lord Shiva is seen as the first yogi or Adiyogi, and the first Guru or Adi Guru.
Several Thousand years ago, on the banks of the lake Kantisarovar in the Himalayas, Adiyogi poured his profound knowledge into the legendary Saptarishis or "seven sages”. The sages carried this powerful yogic science to different parts of the world, including Asia, the Middle East, Northern Africa and South America. Interestingly, modern scholars have noted and marvelled at the close parallels found between ancient cultures across the globe. However, it was in India that the yogic system found its fullest expression. 
    Agastya, the Saptarishi who travelled across the Indian subcontinent, crafted this culture around a core yogic way of life.

      Historical evidences of the existence of Yoga were seen in the pre-Vedic period (2700 B.C.), and thereafter till Patanjali’s period. The main sources, from which we get the information about Yoga practices and the related literature during this period, are available in Vedas (4), Upanishads(108), Smritis, teachings of Buddhism, Jainism, Panini, Epics (2), Puranas (18) etc..

    Yoga does not adhere to any particular religion, belief system or community; it has always been approached as a technology for inner wellbeing. Anyone who practices yoga with involvement can reap its benefits, irrespective of one’s faith, ethnicity or culture.Traditional Schools of Yoga :These different Philosophies, Traditions, lineages and Guru-shishya paramparas of Yoga lead to the emergence of differnt Traditional Schools of Yoga e.g. Jnana-yoga, Bhakti-yoga, Karma-yoga, Dhyana-yoga, Patanjala-yoga, Kundalini-yoga, Hatha-yoga, Mantra-yoga, Laya-yoga, Raja-yoga, Jain-yoga, Bouddha-yoga etc. Each school has its own principles and practices leading to altimate aim and objectives of Yoga. 

Indus valley civilization - Yoga evidence 
Buddhism embrace Yoga

Yoga helps to activate 7 chakras of your body.
Physical Benefits
Mental benefits
The theme selected for this year's International Day of Yoga 2023 is “Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” which represents our shared desire for “One Earth, One Family, One Future.” 

Saturday, 10 June 2023

Rahul Weds Anjali

नाम पढ़के आप को लगा होगा कि ये किसी शादी की कहानी होगी पर ये income tax department की रेड की कहानी है। 

आज हम आपको यहां जिस रेड की कहानी सुनाने जा रहे हैं, वो एकदम असली है. और रेड के इतिहास में अपने आप में एक ऐसी छापेमारी है जिसकी कल्पना भी शायद ही कोई कर सके. फिल्मों की कहानी जैसी दिखने वाली यह रेड महाराष्ट्र के दो बिजनेसमैन पर की गई. जिसमें तकरीबन 250 इनकम टैक्स अधिकारियों ने हिस्सा लिया था. और इस रेड का तरीका ऐसा था, कि इसका अंदाजा तक लगाना मुश्किल है.  
कहानी की शुरुआत साल 2022 से होती है. तब महाराष्ट्र के जीएसटी काउंसिल और इनकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट को एक जानकारी मिलती है कि दो बड़े स्टील बनाने वाले ग्रुप बड़े पैमाने पर कर चोरी कर रहे हैं. इन्हें रिपोर्ट में बताया गया कि दोनों बिजनेस में 120 करोड़ रुपये के कर की चोरी हो चुकी है. ये भी पता चलता है कि ये ग्रुप रिएल एस्टेट से लेकर कपड़े तक का काम करते हैं. सारी जानकारी नासिक इनकम टैक्स विभाग को दी गई. इस मामले में जांच की बात कही गई.
दो बड़े मैन्युफैक्चरर्स के घर, ऑफिस समेत कई जगहों पर एक साथ, एक ही दिन में रेड करनी थी. मामला महाराष्ट्र के जालना का है. अब जालना इतनी भी बड़ी जगह नहीं कि किसी को इसकी भनक न लगे. ऐसे में सबकुछ सीक्रेट रखना जरूरी था. तैयारी भी फुल की गई. अगर गलती से भी रेड की खबर किसी को लग जाती तो पूरा का पूरा मिशन बर्बाद हो सकता था. 
सोच से परे प्लान बनाया गया

सबसे पहले अलग-अलग लोकेशन का चयन हुआ, कि कहां कहां रेड करनी है. 250 अधिकारियों की टीम बनी. इनमें इनकम टैक्स अधिकारियों के अलावा पुलिसकर्मियों को भी शामिल किया गया. अब नासिक से जालना की तरफ 120 गाड़ियों को भेजा जाना था. रेड वाले दिन अधिकारी बारातियों वाले कपड़े पहनकर आए, जैसे कि किसी शादी में जा रहे हों. इनमें पुरुष और महिला अधिकारी दोनों शामिल थे. गाड़ियों को भी अच्छी तरह सजाया गया. 

इतना ही नहीं, कई गाड़ियों पर दुल्हन हम ले जाएंगे पोस्टर लगे. जबकि कुछ पर राहुल वेड्स अंजलि लिखा था. जालना की तरफ जाने के लिए 3 अगस्त, 2022 की तारीख चुनी गई. जालना से पहले एक जगह आकर गाड़ियां पांच हिस्सों में बंट गईं. अब यहां से जालना की पुलिस फोर्स भी जुड़ गई. एक टेक टीम भी आई. इन्हें मामले की जानकारी नहीं थी.

एक 'अनजान' फार्महाउस

अब ये पूरी बारात दोनों बिजनेस फैक्ट्री के दफ्तर, वेयरहाउस, बंगलों तक पहुंची. यहां टीम को काफी कुछ मिलने की उम्मीद थी, लेकिन ऐसा हुआ नहीं. हालांकि कुछ चीजें भी मिलीं, जिनमें जेवर, पैसे शामिल थे. लेकिन बड़ी मात्रा में कुछ नहीं मिला. तभी ऑफिस में पहुंची टीम को वहां पड़े दस्तावेजों से एक फार्महाउस की जानकारी मिलती है. इसका जिक्र लोकेशन में भी नहीं था. जब अधिकारी इस पते पर पहुंचे तो जो देखा उसने सबके होश उड़ा दिए. 

इन्हें फार्महाउस से कैश, ज्वेलरी और दस्तावेज समेत कई चीजें एक गुप्त कमरे की दीवारों, जमीन और सीलिंग से मिलीं. सीक्रेट रूम से 58 करोड़ रुपये, 14 करोड़ रुपये की ज्वेलरी मिली. दस्तावेजों में से एक से पता चला कि कर्मचारियों के नाम से भी अकाउंट खोले गए हैं. जब हर चीज को जोड़ा गया तो 390 करोड़ रुपये की बेनामी बेहिसाब संपत्ति मिली. इसे इनकम टैक्स विभाग ने सीज कर लिया. पैसों को गिनने के लिए स्टेंट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया जालना की मदद ली गई. कुल संपत्ति का पता लगाने में 11 घंटे का वक्त लग गया. 

अलग अलग लोकेशन पर छापेमारी

अधिकारियों ने 3 अगस्त से लेकर 9 अगस्त तक दोनों ग्रुप्स के अलग अलग लोकेशन पर करीब 20 जगह जालना में छापेमारी की. औरंगाबाद में 7 जगह, नासिक, मुंबई, पुणे में 1-1 जगह. इनकम टैक्स विभाग ने एक प्रेस रिलीज में कहा कि शुरुआती जांच से पता चला है कि इन्होंने बड़े स्तर पर टैक्स की चोरी की है. जीएसटी का घोटाला भी सामने आया.

ये एक ऐसी रेड थी, जिसमें कोई सूचना बाहर नहीं गई. बिजनेसमैन को भी कानों-कान खबर नहीं हुई. कहानी भले ही फ़िल्मी है लेकिन इसका सिनेमा से कोई भी लेना देना नहीं है, लेकिन जिस तरह की कहानी है उससे यह भी मुमकिन है कि भविष्य में इस रेड को सिनेमा के पर्दे पर भी लाया जा सकता है.

Monday, 5 June 2023

What is social media 'Detox'?

🤗🤗 Welcome to the blog. I hope that you all are doing well. Finally after a long time today, I get time to write ✍️ something. 
   A couple of months ago while talking to my friend, I came across a social media detox concept. So Today we are going to discuss what is this and why this is important.
Social media detox
     Simply put, it means that just stay away from all social media apps. It may be for a day or a week.

Why this is important?
1.  The use of social media has increased. Many of us may be used to checking the notification on our mobile firstly in the morning. As per the data today approx 20hr/month is spent on Facebook, 19 hrs/month on Instagram and so on.

2. This huge consumption of data has imposed an adverse impact on our brains. Involuntary activities and the natural thinking capacity of the brain are reduced. 

3. Your brain is controlled by these apps. You may start feeling irritated. 

4. To spend time with yourself and your loved ones. It is important to take a break from social media. Because social media may increase connectivity with outside the world but it creates a wide between you and your family.



Monday, 15 May 2023

Aurat ko balidan ki murat que kaha jata hai..?

Hello!! readers. Welcome back to my blog. Aasha karti hu ki aap sb thik honge.
Aaj mera likhne ka waise koi plan nahi tha; pr jaise ki aap sb jante hai ki kal Mother's day tha; to sb ne apne whats aap status pe Maa k liye kuch na kuch likha tha. Maine Youtube pe 3-4 videos dekhe jis me kuch logo ne apni aur apni maa ki story share ki thi; un sb me ek cheese common thi wo thi SACRIFICE. Haa, sb ki maa apne baccho k liye kuch na kuch sacrifice krti hai. Agar aap ne mere last blog padhe honge toh aap ye jan gaye honge ki mere dimag me sawal bahoot aate hai.😀 Toh kal bhi mere mn me sawal aaya ki ; kya ek ladki sirf Maa hone k bad hi sacrifice krti hai..?
         Aage likh ne se pahele; me ek bat clear krna chahti hu ki me is blog ko ek ladki k point of view se nahi likh rahi hu. Nahi to aap muze feminist bologe.😀  Me ise kafi general likh rahi hu jis se aap bhi sahmat karenge.

        ' Aurat Balidan ki murat hai' Ye line aap ne jarur kahi na kahi padhi hogi ya phir suni hogi . Par aisa que..? Kuch din pehele me ek book padh rahi thi MRITYUNJAY ( very famous kadambari on Karna). Us me ek character hai KUNTI. Ab aap puchoge ye Kunti kon hai..? Mahabhrat sb ne dekha hoga..? Ab nahi mat bolna plz. Lockdown me sb ne dekha hai...muze pata hai😁😁. Us me PANDAV ki jo Mata hai; wahi same KUNTI hai ye book me bhi. Toh book padhne k bad jb maine us k characters analyse kiye to Kunti k bare me maine kuch cheese notice ki. Jo ki ek perfect example hai ki que aurat ko balidan ki murat kaha jata hai..? 

             Jab Kunti choti hoti hai toh uska nam Prutha hota hai. Us k pita shursen aur mata ka nam Marisha hota hai . Toh ye Purtha ka nam badal que diya. Maharaj shursen k bahoot ache mitra hote hai Kuntibhoj ; par unko koi santan nahi hota hai; toh Maharaj shursen apne dost ko wada krte hai ki wo apni putri ya ne Prutha ko un ko de denge. Jb Prutha 6-7 saal ki hoti hai tb Maharaj Shursen use apne sath Kunthibhoj k yaha leke jate hai aur use wahi rakh dete hai. Kunti bahoot roti hai; wo Maharaj Shursen k sath wapas jane k liye bahoot kahti hai. Tabhi Maharaj Shursen use apne wade k bare me batate hai. Wo sun k Prutha shant ho jati hai aur Kahti hai apne pita k wade ko pura kr ne k liye wo Shursen se kahti hai ki 'me Kuntibhoj ki Beti Kunti ban k hamesha yahi rahungi'. 

           Ab socho wo 6-7 saal ki baachi apna ghar, apni maa aur pita ka Balidan kr ne k liye tayar ho gayi. Sirf apne pita k wade ko pura krne kiye. Ye ek BETI k roop me us ka pahala Balidan hai.
                   Phir jb kunti Karn ko janam deti hai to n chahte hue bhi wo Karn ko nadi me baha deti hai; quki us waqt us ki shadi nahi hue hoti hai. Aur us waqt samaj use aur us k pita ko jine nahi deta. Ye soch k wo Karn ka tyag krti hai. Ye balidan wo ek Maa k roop me krti hai.
                      Phir, Kunti ki jb shadi Indraprasta k Raja Pandu yane PANDAV k pita se hoti hai aur wo Maharani ban ne wali hoti hai; tabhi Maharaj Pandu ko ek shaap milta hai aur wo Rajya ka tyag kr k jungle jane ka nirnay lete hai. Toh Kunti bhi apnr pure sukh, anand aur mahal ki sari suvidhao ka tyag kr k Maharaj k saath jane ka faisla leti hai. Ye sacrifice wo ek Maharani k roop me krti hai.
                 Maharaj Pandu jb dusri shaadi krte hai toh; Kunti unki dusri panti ko bhi khushi kushi apnati hai. Ek aurat k liye ye sabse bada balidan hota hai ki wo apne pati ko kisi aur k sath bhi bate. Par kunti Maharaj pandu k liye ye bhi krti hai. 
                  Ye KUNTI ki kahani hai; ki wo kaise apne jivan me har ek padav pe apni khushi ka balidan kr rahi hai.

        Hamare samaj me bhi aise kayi ladkiya hai jo apne Bhai k liye apni padhai ka balidan deti hai; apne pati k liye apna, us ka khud ka ghar tyag deti hai, phir apne bachoo k liye apna career bhi use chodna padta hai.
                 Waise aaj ki condition thodi bahtar hai aisa hm bol sakte hai. Ya phir hm city me rahte hai is liye hume aisa lagta hai..?  Phir bhi,  ye ek aurat ki apni hi shakti hai jo use ye sb krne ki takad deti hai. Quki shadi k bad apna ghar kitne ladke chodenge..? Bachoo k liye apne career ko kitne ladke sacrifice karenge ya phir apne career k sath sath ghar sambhal ne ki responsibility kitne ladke uthange..? Muze puchoge to mere according to Bahoot hi kam.  
                Hamare samaj me kuch riwaz hai jo Ladkio ko nibhana hi padta hai. Wo hm shayad hi badal payenge ya phir hume wo badal ne me kafi waqt lag jaye ... Tb tak hum ladko se ek supportive bhai, supportive pati aur supportive baba hone ka toh expect kr hi sakte hai...
         Aaj ka blog may be aap me kuch logo ko pasand na aaye par maine ek aurat k jivan ki sachyayi batane ki koshish ki hai. 
       Next blog may be me next month hi likhungi quki mere exams start hone wale hai tb tak aap log bahoot khush rahiye.


Thursday, 11 May 2023

Dharma kya hai..?

                                         DHARMA KYA HAI?

NAMASTE🙏🙏.  Aaj 1 week bad kuch likh rahi hu. Umeed hai aap ko padhke acha lagega. Aaj jis topic par me likh rahi hu wo topic hai DHARMA. Actually me khud abhi is ko puri tarah se samaz ne ki koshish kar rahi hu . Mere khud k kayi sawal hai; jis k answers muze abhi tak nahi mile hai jaise Dharma kaha se aaya? kis ne banaya ? iski jarurat kya thi? and most common kya bhagwan such me hai? 

Bhagwan SHREE KRISHA ke anusar Dharma kya hai..? 

Kurukshetra ki yuddha bhumi pr Arjun ko samjhate waqt Bhagwan Krishna kahte hai; Dharma ye manav ke aatma k liye hai; us k sharir k liye nahi. Jivan ko prithvi par yugo yugo tak chalane k liye aatma ko saaf aur nirmal rakhna jaruri hai. Aur aisa tabhi sambhav hoga jb Insaan Dharma ko apnayga. Dharma  5 pillar se bana hai 1) Karuna 2) Gyaan 3) Dhairya 4) Prem 5) Samarpan{dedication} 6) Nyaay{justice} . Jo bhi manushya in sb ko apnayga wo Dharmik kahlayga.

Gautam Buddha Dharma k bare kya kahte hai...?

Buddha k anusar Dharma manushya ko Jivan jine ka tarika sikhata hai. Aap ko ek story sunati hu, Samrat Ashoka hum sb ko pata hai ; un k bare me itihasa me aisa likha hai ki Kalinga ke yuddha me unho ne lakho logo ko maar giraya wo  dekh kr unko mansik pareshani hone lagi; wo us waqt se ubhar nahi pa rahe the; us waqt psychiatrics to nahi honge to kai buddha bhikuu ne unko shanti se jivan jine k liye wapas prerna di, un k jivan me wapas khushiya lane ki khoshish ki. Jis k karan Ashoka ne krurta ki rah chod kr shantata k marg ka palan kiya aur wo Bharat ke ek mahan Samrat bane.

Upanishad aur Ved me Dharma ko duty kaha gaya hai. Iska matlab hai agar koi Raja hai to us k rajya ko protect krna aur apni praja ka khyal rakhna hi uska dharma hai . Jise RAJDHARM kaha gaya hai. Agar aap kisi k bete hai to apne mata pita ki seva krna hi aap ka dharm hai jise Matrudharm aur Pitrudharm kaha gaya hai.

Is ko analyse karenge to har koi apna opinion bana sakta hai. Mere pass jitna knowlege hai us k according me mera view likh rahi hu. Jaise jaise hamari sabhyata(civilization) aage badhne lagi waise kayi vichar dharaye prakat hui phir jin jin vyakti ko jo vichar pasand aaye unho ne wo vichar dharao ka prachar krna shuru kiya aur aise kr k alag alag groups ban gaye. Is liye aaj koi Hinduism ko follow krta hai , koi buddhism, shikhism, Islam etc. Par sabhi dharmo ka basic same hai jivan jine ka sahi tarika. Shayad isi liye hi INSANIYAT ko sab se bada dharam bola gaya hai. 
Aaj hamare dharma me alag alag bhagwan hai jaise Shiv ji, Ram bhagwan, Lord krisha, Buddha, Jaina, Allah aur bahoot sare. Aisa que..? Actually is duniya me sabse bada darpok koi hai to wo insaan hai. Is liye hum ne bhagwaan ko apne security ki responsibility de di. Jaise koi baccha bolta hai; he bhagwan exam me pass kar do nahi to ghar wale maarenge. Koi businessman bolega ; he bhagwan mere company k shares k rate badha do nahi to mera status down ho jayga. To hume aisa koi chahiye jo hamri sari bate sune; aur jis pr hm complete bharosa kr sake jo hame jine k liye sahi rasta dikha sake aur jis k sath hum haq k sath bat kr sake. 

Kya kabhi koi bhagwan se mil sakta hai...?
Mere according is duniya me koi to supreme power hai jo is juniya ki kai bate control kr raha hai. Ab wo Ram bhagwan hai ya krishna ya allah wo muze nahi pata but aap is supreme power ko mil sakte hai quki iska ek ansh aap k aatma me bhi rahta hai. Meditation aisa tool hai jo aap ko is supreme power se milayga . Is k bad aap k jivan me kai badlav aa sakte wo kaise..? 
Is ko hum hamare next blog me discuss karenge tab tk apna khyal rakhiye . 

What is wedding..?

Hello readers! I hope you are all doing well. Yesterday, a friend of mine and I had a very interesting discussion about weddings and their m...